Invite Lisa to

Embrace the power of music for spiritual connection. Join Lisa on a journey where every melody is a heartfelt expression of devotion and celebration.

Learn Lisa’s new Jewish melodies and add some new RUACH to your congregation’s prayers. Explore the experience of chanting in a Jewish context. Learn about Lisa’s musical journey to become a service leader.

Lisa Levens is available to share her new Jewish melodies with you

Lisa can come to you to:

LEAD FRIDAY NIGHT SERVICES using her melodies, her guitar and her soulful voice.
Lisa is most familiar with the Lev Shalem siddur. If your congregation uses a different siddur, please specify so that Lisa can familiarize herself with its structure in advance.

LEAD A WORKSHOP in which she will teach participants her new melodies from HODAYA. Lisa is eager to have other congregations incorporate her melodies in their services.

LEAD A CHANT CIRCLE utilizing a variety of Jewish prayers, chants and nigunim. Participants are encouraged to share their favorite chants, as well.

TALK ABOUT HER MUSICAL JEWISH JOURNEY. Lisa will recall how she learned her musical craft, performed Jewish music as a young woman in the Zamir Chorale of Boston, and sang lead vocals for a Jewish band. Lisa will explain how she was encouraged to step up into congregational leadership, to write and share her new prayer melodies, and to share her music beyond her congregation. She can also talk about the recording process for HODAYA.


Hosts are asked to pay for travel expenses and lodging for two adults, and to provide Lisa with an honarium or stipend of $500 to $800. Lisa would also ask that she be allowed to sell her CDs and branded merchandise during her interactions with your community. Lisa’s availability is between Fridays and Sundays.